Goran Barović, Duško Vujaćić



DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2020.6.26


UDC: 338.48:528.9(497.16)


Abstract: Both cartography and tourismology are scientific disciplines that originated in geography. Until recently, it was considered that, along with other geosciences, they were only subdisciplines that deal with its individual segments in more detail. From the formal point of view, such theories can be justified to some extent, but essentially, we see that these are two very serious sciences with a wide range of scientific research competencies. Traces of cartographic and tourismological research can be found, from the oldest levels of development of human civilization when they developed under the auspices of geography to their later development as a discipline that studies and observes the Earth and its spheres from a cause-and-effect point of view. Since the separation from their „mother“ discipline and their further independent development, with specific scientific-research peculiarities, both cartography and tourism form a special way of studying the objective reality and interpretation of the observed. This paper will research the connection of these two sciences, which rely on each other, where appropriate solutions arise from mutual connections, which are in themselves answers to the questions asked. The specificity of the connection between these sciences is seen in the application of the cartographic method, ie enabling the perception of three important categories through the spatial, temporal and essential definition of the tourism specifics of the treated space. Cartography draws contents from tourism and tourism, in cartography and its numerous methods and means of expression, seeks the most expedient ways of presenting the obtained data.


Key words: cartography, turismology, cartographic method, cartographic means of expression.


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