Željka Stjepić Srkalović
Semir Ahmetbegović
Fadila Kudumović Dostović

Original Scientific Article

DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2022.8.126
UDC: 338.485.2(497.6 TK)

Abstract: Tourism products are the most important factors in attracting tourists to certain destinations, that is, the tourism product could be seen as the overall result of tourist consumption or the totality of products and services that generated the total tourist consumption. A tourism product is a combination of tangible and intangible elements, such as natural, cultural and artificial resources, attractions, facilities, services and activities around a certain center of interest that represents the core of the destination's product. The more diverse, independent and better marketed the tourist products are, the more competitive the destination is. Tourism product of Tuzla Canton is based on the characteristics of the area and tourist needs, and within it, we distinguish several basic forms of movements that are directed towards the environment, culture, and events of the Tuzla Canton. All municipalities of the Tuzla Canton have, at least, the potential of developing tourism and tourism products related to rural areas and areas of preserved natural environment. The paper presents the primary and secondary forms of tourism in rural areas and ways of enriching the tourist offer of the Tuzla Canton with the aim of creating the highest quality tourist product of this destination.

Keywords: tourism products, tourist destination, special interest tourism, Tuzla Canton

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