Ayşe Nur Songür, Eren Canbolat, Funda Pınar Çakıroğlu


DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2017.3.57


UDC: 338.48[640.43:643.37](560)


Abstract: Food and beverage service in the hospitality facilities is not for meeting only one physiological requirement for the guests. Preparing food and drink with good quality materials in accordance with hygiene regulations and offering them nicely ties the guests more to operation. Safe food production and services can be performed in a healthy way by providing some conditions. Storage of food in suitable conditions is one of the important steps in the food safety chain. In this study, it is aimed to examine kitchen storage of hospitality facilities in Ankara. For this reason, seven different hospitality facilities in Ankara were visited, kitchen storages were examined and storage conditions were evaluated by taking photographs. At the end of the study, the following results were observed: The shelves used in storage were not properly placed, the materials on the shelves are irregularly placed, the air conditioners were not maintained and the ventilation system was not working well, there was no system in storage and materials were hoarding, containers used were not suitable for storage, the foods stored were not covered, raw and cooked food was stored together, cleaning of the storages was not taken care of. As a consequence, it has been determined that the necessary technical and hygienic conditions to ensure the safe storage of food in the hospitality facilities are insufficient. Inadequacies of physical properties of storage areas and storage of foods as it will be leading to contamination are an important threat to safe food production. In order to be able to provide a safe food and beverage service in hospitality facilities, the necessary physical conditions of the stores, the proper storage of the food with hygienic rules should be ensured and supervised.


Key words: food storage, hospitality facility, food safety.


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