Amra Čaušević[1]

Amra Banda[2]


Original Scientific Article

DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2021.7.84

UDC: 911.3:338.48-611SFF(497.6 Sarajevo)



Abstract: Sarajevo Film Festival is of great importance for the image and competitiveness of Sarajevo as a tourist product. It has been held every year since 1995 in Sarajevo and has an average attendance of about 100,000 film lovers. An event of any kind, which gathers more than 100,000 visitors in Sarajevo, hosts an impressive number of world media, employs a large number of young people, fills the capacity of hotels, restaurants, draws offers from the tourist community, is the best promoter not only of Sarajevo but the whole country and the leverage for the development of the country in other areas too. The aim of this paper is to analyze the profile of tourists visiting Sarajevo during the Sarajevo Film Festival. Statistical significance tests and descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of the results.


Keywords:  tourism, event tourism, Sarajevo, Sarajevo Film Festival


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