Li Zhang



DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2018.4.75


UDC: 338.487:659.113.2 B&B(510)


Abstract: The Chinese B&B industry started in 2011, the Mogan Mountain B&B became the banner of the domestic industry in 2015. Then the entire B&B industry is imitated and appeared serious homogeneity problems, which forced the manager to look for their own competitive advantage. The objective of the article is through the market segmentation to identifying target customer groups, and combine the orientation of the B&B with the customer demand. Set up a multi-directional marketing scheme according to the characteristics of the target customer and the behavior of consumption. This article uses the quantitative research method to collect the information. The research shows that the main target customer of B&B is divided into two categories: 1、tourism vacationers; 2、weekend vacationers. In conclusion, according to the report on 《Market Prospect and Investment Analysis of B&B Industry》, the growth rate is 12000/year. By 2017, the B&B’s number is 53852 in China. With the expansion of the B&B market, which enforces the B&B industry facing a reshuffle. Therefore, the owners of the B&B should find the way to sustainable management through the market segmentation.


Key words: Bed&Breakfast industry, market segmentation, target customer, Mogan mountain


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