Almir Peštek

Amra Banda

Belma Durmišević

Amila Pilav-Velić

Selma Rizvić

Nadija Hadžijamaković


DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2024.10.173

UDC: 338.48:004.946


Abstract: Virtual reality (VR) represents an innovative tool increasingly utilized in tourism, allowing users to explore and experience tourist destinations in a completely different way. While the application of VR in tourism is still in its early stages, it holds significant potential for creating a more immersive and inclusive tourist experience. The aim of this research is to identify and analyze the practical aspects of applying VR in tourism sector and to emphasize the critical role of VR technology in promoting inclusive tourism by broadening access for diverse audiences, including individuals with disabilities and those who may face barriers to travel. The methodological approach involved qualitative research based on focus groups with representatives from the private, public, and civil sectors, aiming to explore perceptions and potential applications of VR in tourism promotion, with a special focus on enhancing accessibility and providing equal tourist experiences for all. The results revealed strong awareness of VR technologies in tourism among participants, alongside an interest in leveraging these tools to promote tourism and foster inclusivity. It was found that VR can be used as a mean to overcome physical barriers, enabling individuals with disabilities and older adults to access tourist experiences that would otherwise be unavailable to them. This study can serve as a basis for future research of the role of VR technology and modalities of its use for inclusive tourism.

Keywords: virtual reality, tourism development, tourism experience, inclusive tourism


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