/  International cooperation   /  The Department of Geography was attended by Ph.D. Eva Podovšovnik and Ph.D. Igor Jurinčić

The Department of Geography was attended by Ph.D. Eva Podovšovnik and Ph.D. Igor Jurinčić

As part of the ERASMUS+ program, in the period 05.20-24.2019. professors from the Faculty of Tourism, University of Primorska, Ph.D., stayed at the Department of Geography. Eva Podovšovnik and Ph.D. Igor Jurinčić, who held several lectures for students of the first cycle of studies. Associate Professor, Ph.D. Eva Podovšovnik held lectures on scientific research methodology in the field of tourism. Lectures by associate professor, Ph.D. Igor Jurinčiča were from the field of sustainable development of tourism. The presentation is available here.