Geographical Review is a scientific and expert journal of the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Science at the University of Sarajevo and the Geographical Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which inherited the publishing role of the former Geographical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first edition of the Geographical Review was published in 1957, and until 1991, a total of 35 issues were published. After the proclamation of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the publication of the Geographical Review (volume 36) continued in 2015. The editor-in-chief of the Geographical Review is Professor Ranko Mirić, Ph.D.
You can find out more about the Geographical Review on the website of the journal.

Faculty and associates of the Department of Geography prepare and edit the magazine “Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management”, published by the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo. The journal publishes internationally peer-reviewed scientific papers, some of which are presented at the International Tourism and Hospitality Management Congress or are sent directly for publication.
You can find out more about JTHM magazine on the website of the journal.
Collection of Geographers
Faculty and associates of the Department of Geography prepare and edit the Collected Papers of the Congress of Geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, published by the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Science and the Geographical Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Collected Papers consists of internationally peer-reviewed scientific works by leading scientists and researchers who share their experiences and results of scientific research, ideas, and applications on all aspects of theoretical and applied geography, tourism, environmental protection, spatial and urban planning, regional planning and regional development, and geography in education. Scientific works are partly presented at the Congress of Geographers or sent directly for publication. The proceedings are published once every four years in printed and electronic format.
You can find out more about the Collected Papers on their website.
In addition to the journals Geographical Review, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, and Collected Papers, faculty and associates of the Department of Geography publish the results of their research in other domestic and international journals. Considerable attention is dedicated to creating textbooks, workbooks, atlases, and geographical maps. Below is an overview of the published works of faculty and associates of the Department of Geography by year.