The first trace of the origin of the Library, i.e. the acquisition of the first collection of geographical and geological literature, dates back to the 1950s when the Department of Geography was established at the Faculty of Philosophy. This is evidenced by the first graduate thesis in the field of geography (1954), which was included in the Library’s collection. The Library of the Department of Geography was founded when the Faculty of Science, i.e. the Department of Geography, was founded ten years later. The Library was located in today’s space in 1974, and since 2012 it has been part of the Library of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics as a special professional organizational unit.
The library is of open type, and its book collection consists of monographic (8311 volumes) and periodical (4375 volumes) publications in the field of geography, geology, and related sciences. No less important part of the fund is the final theses: diploma (1663 titles), master’s (141 titles), master’s (20 titles), and doctoral dissertations (32 titles).

The creation of an online catalog via COBISS.BH (Cooperative Online Bibliographic System and Service) is in progress. The online catalog can be accessed via the COBISS platform.
Također je u vidu kumulativne bibliografije, rađene po ISBD standardima i sa određenim registrima, urađena Bibliografija doktorskih disertacija, magistarskih, master i diplomskih radova odbranjenih na Odsjeku za geografiju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu u periodu 1954.-2016. godine. Bibliografija je dostupna online, a možete je pogledati na slijedećem linku:
Bibliografija doktorskih disertacija, magistarskih, master i diplomskih radova
The Library of the Department of Geography as a separate professional unit is part of the Library of the Faculty of Science. The other four Departments at the Faculty of Science also have special professional libraries. You can find more about the PMF Library at the following link:
Biblioteka Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta
Working hours for users: 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
Biljana Stojanović, graduate comparativist, and librarian
Telephones: +387 33 723 751 (Department of Geography); +387 33 279 933 (Department of Mathematics)