Deniz Ateş Akkaya

Semra Günay


DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2024.10.06 UDC: 338.48-6:641]528.921(560)


Abstract: Food and beverage options play a critical role in shaping the experiences of tourists. When visiting a destination, tourists utilize both establishments catering specifically to travelers and those serving local residents for their food and beverage needs. Food desert and food swamp maps can serve as valuable tools to improve travel planning and visitor satisfaction by providing insight into the availability and quality of food options in a given area. For this reason, in this study, the locations of food businesses in Eskişehir city center and the attributes of the products they sell were determined and the businesses were classified. And food desert and food swamp maps were created with the data obtained. The maps were shown to tourists, and colors and symbols were developed in line with user comments. This study will provide theoretical contribution to food desert and food swamp and food maps in terms of gastronomy tourism, and it is expected to have a practical contribution to the use of maps in gastronomy tourism.

Key words: Food deserts, Food swamps, Tourism, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Regional Development, Gastronomy Tourism


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