Aida Bidžan-Gekić

Haris Gekić

Seada Gavranović


DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2024.10.141

UDC: 338.48-6:641(497.6 Sarajevo)


Abstract: The Sarajevo tourist-geographical region stands out as an increasingly popular destination for gastronomic tourism due to its rich cultural heritage, diverse gastronomic offer, and authentic ambience that attracts tourists from different parts of the world. This area is characterised by collection of traditional Bosnian dishes, the influences of Turkish and Austro-Hungarian cuisine, as well as modern interpretations of local specialties, and this is what makes it unique. This form of tourism is based on different gastronomic experiences, from small family restaurants to sophisticated gastronomic locations. This region is known for its hospitality and warm welcome to tourists, which further enriches their gastronomic experience. It is important to mention that the Sarajevo touristgeographical region has positioned itself as an increasingly attractive destination for all those who want to explore the wealth of Bosnian cuisine and get to know its cultural heritage. This region offers a deeper understanding of local culture and identity through its gastronomic offer. The degree of valorization of gastronomic tourism in this region is at a very modest level, so the possibility of its improvement and intensive development for tourist purposes should be pointed out. The aim of the research is to provide an insight into the specifics of Sarajevo's gastronomic offer, identify the key attractiveness factors for tourists, and examine the effects of the gastronomic industry on the local economy and cultural heritage.

Key words: gastronomic tourism, Sarajevo tourist-geographical region, tradition, culture, customs


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