Lejla Žunić
DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2016.2.151
UDC: 338.48-6:111.4(497.6 Sarajevo)
Abstract: Sarajevo is the most important cultural and tourism center of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1/3 of the total national tourism). It hasvery valuable tourism motives (natural and anthropogenic). Statistical indicatorsshows a positive trend of tourism development during the last decade. It is therefore very important to analyze tourist motives and their importance for the development of tourism. Tourist motives are the main supply holders. The significance of a motive is determined by various criteria which in most cases involve the assessment of several elements: attractiveness, rarity, usefulness and accessibility. However, the tourism value of motives is largely reflected through impressions of tourists. Travel experience is especially important element of tourism which affects the affirmation of destinations in the world and encourages tourism trends. The research problem is the identification and evaluation (valorisation) models of motives in Sarajevo determining their significance.The research is quantitative and qualitative. Research methods are: general-theoretical (analysis and synthesis,comparing, classification);empiric (field work and observation, survey, measuring);identification, evaluation, Likert method. The aim of the paper is to determine the actual tourism value of the motives for better planning of tourism supply. Of particular importance are the results of tourist assessments of the motives because the ultimate goal is to achieve the satisfaction of tourists and positive echo of the destination in the world. Therefore motives such as Bascarsija, Tunnel of Hope, Springs of river Bosnia and Bijambare should take leadership role in Sarajevo tourism planning and development of tourism destination.
Key words: Sarajevo tourism destination, motives/ attractions, tourism supply, importance of tourism, tourist impression, evaluation, tourism planning, development of tourism