Aida Bidžan-Gekić, Haris Gekić, Senada Nezirović


DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2016.2.223


UDC: 338.483.12(497.6 Sarajevo)


Abstract: In this paper, we will present the hypothesis that cultural tourism can be a factor of tourist development of the Sarajevo tourist-geographical region with consideration of auxiliary hypotheses:

- Sarajevo tourist-geographical region has potential for development of cultural tourism,

- Cultural tourism is a relevant form of tourism which contributes to the sustainability of tourism and

- By cooperation of tourism and cultural sector, adequate and competitive tourist offer of this tourist-geographical region is achieved.

The aim is to point out that cultural tourism promote sustainability which is based on the preservation of and respect for culture receptive community and as a contemporary form of tourism is significant in the development of tourism in Sarajevo tourist-geographical region, and may represent the possibility of recovery and development of the tourist and geographical region. Given that cultural tourism is not recognized as a development strategy of urban policy and that in Bosnia and Herzegovina there is still not enough cooperation between the cultural sector and tourism nor the continuous multi-sectoral cooperation in the field of cultural tourism development, this issue needs to be realized in the future.


Key words: cultural tourism, Sarajevo tourist-geographical region, tourism development


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