Qerim Kastrati
DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2016.2.169
UDC: 338.48-6(496.5Theth)
Abstract: The subject of this scientific work is the identification, classification and valorization of tourist motives of Theth Valley and their spatial distribution. Executed valorisation of tourist motives of Theth Valley and finding their real value with the purpose is based on the scientific assumption that in the Theth Valley there are insufficiently explored tourist motifs that have a high tourism value and that the scientific process of identification and valorization would raise the competitiveness of tourism in this region. In the implementation of the set of scientific research objectives were realized the following tasks:analysis of available literature and cartographic data and theoretical identification and classification of tourist motives, field observations and collection of additional data and accompying photo documentation. Several methods were used, such as analysis and synthesis, comparative, descriptive statistical, UNWTO method, the method of „Interpersonal consent“ and others. On the Theth Valley were identified 29 tourism motives. With the procedure of tourist and geographical evaluation the Theth Valley has an overall tourism value of 4.30 and is ranked in the motives of national tourist interest. This region offers very good conditions for the development of these forms of tourism: mass winter tourism, eco-tourism, sightseeing and recreational tourism, hiking, hunting, health tourism and others. Tourist valorization in the Valley of Theth, shows that all the analyzed values of tourist motives are unique, and its uniqueness and attractiveness have a national character with high value for uniqueness and attractiveness, the ambience and the possibility of using motives for tourism purposes and others.The results of this work will lead to raising awareness on the preservation of these motifs in order to improve conditions for the development of cultural tourism in this region, and create the already rich tourist offer and also promote the heritage and indigenous culture in this region.
Key words: identification, classification and valorization, Theth.