Rahman Nurković
DOI: 10.35666/25662880.2015.1.41
UDC: 338.48-52:799.2(497.6)
Abstract: The paper analyzes the hunting tourism as a factor of economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This paper analyzes the main resources for development of hunting tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it examines the basic characteristics, points to the problem of its development, examines the trends of hunting tourism and makes recommendations with a view to the future development of tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There was used a theoretical approach based on local and foreign literature, it analyzes strategic documents, examines the empirical material, analyzes the existing data on income, and it carries out the primary research through personal interviews with relevant people. This paper reports the research pointing to the existing potentials for development of hunting tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina where they are not sufficiently exploited. Hunting tourism is an additional income for the local population as well as for the local communities as a whole. Hunting tourism is also a major source of income of hunting societies and organizations that deal with it in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Key words: hunting tourism, wildlife, economic development, Bosnia and Herzegovina